Selectel to choose HiRef for air conditioning of its Data Centers | HiRef


Selectel to choose HiRef for air conditioning of its Data Centers

Selectel to choose HiRef for air conditioning of its Data Centers

  • Центры обработки данных (ЦОД)

Год: 2021

Локация: Russia

Категория оборудования: CCAC. Кондиционеры

HiRef proved to be the ideal partner to follow this customer through every step of the project

Service, speed and performance, the three top customer requests

customer's request

Service, speed and performance, the three top customer requests

Selectel is one of the leading IT infrastructure providers in Russia. It boasts 12 years of activity, over 18,000 customers and 6 TIER III Data Centers between Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Selectel has once again chosen HiRef for air conditioning of its Data Centers.

They were looking for a partner with adequate technological skills, able to support them in the installation and commissioning of a very important, rather urgent project.

Design means teamwork and information sharing


Design means teamwork and information sharing

Excellent teamwork, a well balanced and well organized supply chain.

This customer contacted HiRef Rus, the product was designed and created by HiRef Italia, and finally installed by Century of High Technologies, the official partner of Hiref Rus.


The system consists of air-condensed chillers and chilled water conditioners, all controlled by a HiPlant system, to be able to closely monitor the operation of the units at all times.

The plant consists of three products:

• Air condensed chillers with inverter screw compressors able reach very high levels of energy efficiency. These units are environment-friendly, thanks to the new refrigerants with a low GWP. In addition, they are equipped with Hi-Rail, a sliding guide that facilitates removal of the control panel, making maintenance easier.

• Chilled water air conditioners, particularly suitable for technological environments, where constant control of temperature values and air flow is required, ensuring reliability, precise control of thermal and hygrometric conditions and adaptability to the different required working conditions.

• Finally, we installed HiPlant, a touch screen system for displaying the main operating parameters of the units.

Units installed:

• 3 x SCA681FL (TPL)

• 15 x FCDR0750A (TRF CF)

• 1 x HiPlant

Cooling power 3.5 MW.


Our special projects are born from understanding customer needs.

We work side by side with our customers to get to know them, anticipate their needs, share the same objectives in terms of energy efficiency, performance, and sustainability and help to achieve them together.

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