All the cooling power you need and a compact footprint | HiRef


All the cooling power you need and a compact footprint

All the cooling power you need and a compact footprint

  • Центры обработки данных (ЦОД)

Год: 2019 - 2021

Локация: Russia

Категория оборудования: HPDCU. Адиабатическое охлаждение

It is always possible to install the right air conditioning system - even in confined spaces: read how we did it

The ideal solution was to install the cooling units side by side and create easily removable panels to facilitate routine maintenance


The ideal solution was to install the cooling units side by side and create easily removable panels to facilitate routine maintenance

PJSC VimpelCom is a Russian telecommunications company, based in Moscow, founded in 1992 and owner of the Beeline brand. In Russia it is the third leading operator in the wireless sector and the second most important leader in telecommunications.

The company asked HiRef to install an air conditioning system in a section of its Data Center with a total power of 8 MW but with small sized utility rooms.

HiRef raised to the challenge and fully met the customer's requirements by designing chilled water DataBatic units, conveniently designed to be installed in the confined spaces available, and arranged side by side to facilitate Data Center routine maintenance operations. What's the plus? The removable panels, fitted on the short sides to make almost all the internal components accessible.

Finally, for a thorough check on the product performance required by the customer, a pre-installation FAT test (Factory Acceptance Test) was performed at HiRef S.p.A.'s headquarters in Tribano (PD), attended by the customers.

The figures in a nutshell;
Overall, more than 130 DataBatic chilled water units were installed, arranged in groups of 13 to cool the different rooms.

Total cooling capacity of about 8 MW.

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