HiRef is sponsor of Start Cup Veneto 2022 | HiRef



HiRef is sponsor of the "Start Cup Veneto" competition 2022

  • Устойчивое развитие

Год: 2022

We support innovation for a better future.


This year we are sponsoring the 21st edition of Start Cup Veneto 2022, the business plan competition, organized by the universities of Padua, Verona and IUAV of Venice to support innovative business ideas and give them substance, helping new entrepreneurs in the creation of start-ups and supporting them with adequate training on business management.

Our CEO Mauro Mantovan will be a member of the Technical Scientific Committee that will have the important task of evaluating entrepreneurial proposals and awarding prizes to the best ideas.The finals will be held on October 6 in Venice and awards will be given to the best and most innovative business ideas.

"The watchword of the future is sustainability, innovation the ink with which to write it."
Mauro Mantovan, founder and CEO HiRef S.p.A.